Elements of Environment of Care Audits

Environment of Care Compliance
Environment of Care Compliance | Let HLSS help prep for audits.

CMS has established seven basic elements for Environment of Care that must be addressed to obtain accreditation and the ability to bill services to Medicare and Medicaid. These elements include the following:

  • Safety management for patients and staff members
  • Security arrangements to protect information, equipment and people
  • Handling of hazardous materials, including chemical compounds, biological materials and radioactive materials
  • Management of medical waste, radiological waste and other waste materials within your facility
  • Fire safety and life safety
  • Medical equipment
  • Management of utilities, including electricity, water and lighting

Not all of these elements of Environment of Care will apply to every facility. At Healthcare Life Safety Services, we will go over every relevant element and category to determine if your healthcare facility complies with established codes and regulations. We will provide you with a detailed report on the current Environment of Care™ within your clinic, hospital or other medical centers. This will allow you to act to achieve compliance or to remain compliant with all regulations and requirements established by the accreditation agency.

Ongoing Support for Accreditation

Healthcare Life Safety Services will perform a comprehensive review and audit for all physical environments and will verify records and documents associated with these elements, following Environment of Care guidelines. This will include annual evaluations, required reporting and committee activities, fire drill testing, alarm testing, interim life safety measures, patient care risk assessments, management plans, general risk assessments and performance improvement plans. We will take a holistic and comprehensive approach to the evaluation and inspection process, which will ensure that every element of your physical environment is in place and ready for evaluation during your accreditation process.

Putting It All Together

At Healthcare Life Safety Services, we work with you during every stage of the process. We start by performing a complete evaluation of your facility and recording our findings as we go. Our team will note any variances or areas of noncompliance with the requirements of CMS, The Joint Commission, or other applicable agencies and will provide you with options for remedying these situations quickly and effectively before your accreditation survey.

At Healthcare Life Safety Services, we will perform comprehensive inspections to help your facility prepare for an accreditation survey. Our team will provide you with an electronic copy of our findings to allow you to take steps to correct any deficiencies. Call us today to schedule an appointment with our team. We look forward to the chance to serve you.